The VibroScan method enables accurate forecasts - and perfect targeted countermeasures
Vibration protection requires forecasts before trains roll. We have a conditional knowledge of the dynamic parameters of Geology and buildings. Only the simulation of the vibrations allows accurate forecasts.
The VibroScan method was developed in 1993 in Austria and is based on the substantial equivalence between Sweep and Train vibrations.
The aim of the VibroScan method is to replicate the vibrations as realistic as possible. Therefore a hydraulic vibration generator generates oscillating vibrations in a sliding frequency band, a so-called sweep, which corresponds to vibrations.

Since the emissions depend not only on the vibration source, but also on the propagation conditions in the subsurface and the structural dynamics behavior of the building concerned, experiments with a replacement excitation are required.
Vibration forecasts in railway construction, required for Structural dynamic issues, bridge investigations and design of machine foundations.

Areas of application
Tunnel projects
Railroad, Undergroud/Subway, Elevated lines, Road
Building construction projects
High-rise buildings, Railway stations, Bridges
Civil engineering projects
Railway lines, machine foundations
Areas of application
- Vibration tests
- Ground borne noise investigation
- Mobility investigation
- Natural frequency studies
- Building dynamics investigations (active, passive insulation)